
Op-Ed: To protect the medical supply chain, ‘made in America’ will be key

SAMS Executive Director David Sanders and iRemedy CEO Tony Paquin co-authored an op-ed in STAT News highlighting the importance of domestic manufacturing in protecting America’s medical supply chain.

You can read the article here.

Some key quotes include:

“The Covid-19 pandemic exposed a serious flaw in the United States’ medical supply chain: an overreliance on imported supplies.”

“The government must build on this initial effort by encouraging domestic production of more complex medical supplies, such as pharmaceuticals, ventilators, and other life-saving devices.”

“An alarming number of drugs are in short supply these days. Bolstering American-made pharmaceutical production will support high-paying jobs and ensure that the country isn’t exposed to future supply chain breakdowns, whether due to a pandemic, war, or some other unforeseen crisis.”

About Securing America’s Medicines and Supply

Securing America’s Medicines and Supply (SAMS) is a multi-industry coalition of companies with the mission to strengthen the security of the medical supply chain in the United States. SAMS seeks to drive the implementation of legislation and regulation to reward and foster U.S.-made manufacturing of important pharmaceutical products, devices, and supplies. SAMS supports U.S. patients, domestic healthcare security, and U.S. jobs.